May 9, 2023

The Power of Pricing in Business: Debunking the Myth about Money

Have you ever been told that focusing on money isn’t spiritual? That pursuing financial abundance is somehow at odds with living a spiritual life? It’s a common misconception that many people hold onto, but it’s also one that is deeply flawed.

Firstly, to say that anything isn’t spiritual is misguided. We are all connected, all part of the same universal consciousness. We are all an extension of source/God/The Universe. Therefore, everything we do is inherently spiritual. It’s simply a belief that some people hold onto that money and material possessions aren’t part of that spiritual realm.

Secondly, while it’s possible to live a purely spiritual life without the trappings of money and material possessions, it’s not the reality for most of us. If I desired to focus PURELY on living a spiritual life detached from money and material things – I would just move to the mountains and meditate. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and part of that experience is using money as a tool to navigate our physical world.

Finally, living a spiritual life doesn’t mean that we have to exclude money or luxury. Just because we decide to live a life that is centered around spiritual growth does not mean we have to exclude money, luxury and other physical manifestations. We are here on earth to manifest our desires and live our best lives, and sometimes that means having material abundance.

In fact, shifting your relationship with money and embracing its power can be incredibly beneficial in all areas of your life, from your personal relationships to your business success.

The truth is, we all have a relationship with money, whether we acknowledge it or not. The key is to examine that relationship and decide how we want to move forward. 



Do we want to learn and grow in this area, or do we want to stay comfortable where we are? 

Do we want to manifest beauty and abundance in our lives, or do we want to hold onto limiting beliefs about money and success?

It’s up to us to decide. The Power of Pricing is within our grasp, and it’s time to let go of the limiting belief that focusing on money isn’t spiritual. So take the next step on your growth journey and embrace the abundance that life has to offer.

If you desire to learn how to make more in your business, my 1:1 mentorship is a great option for you. Message me here to get started.

If you’re a photographer and you want to learn more, my course MASTERY has everything you need to excel in your business and in your craft. Click here to learn more!

Follow me on Instagram  for more educational and fun content: @thesoulfulphotographer